Dr. François Conrad
Research is also about money - no funding, no research, matter of fact. The following collection lists my successful grant and scholarship applications. The non-successfull ones are hidden ;).
Fritz Thyssen Stiftung 323.089 € (Since January 2025)
("Historische, städtisch-osfälische Umgangs-
sprachen. Gestalt. Verbreitung. Entwicklung")
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) 403.341 € (2020–2022)
Sachbeihilfe (Project-number 431328772) 207.573 € (2023–2024)
("Die Stadtsprache Hannovers I & II")
German Academic Exchange Service 2.672 € (2019)
(DAAD) Kongressreisenstipendium
Fonds National de Recherche 158.260 € (2011–2015)
Luxembourg, PhD scholarship
("Sprachkontaktinduzierte Variation
im luxemburgischen Konsonantismus")
TOTAL 1.094.944 € (own share: 1.094.944 €)